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Add Bulletin Post (Web & Mobile)
Rachel Palmer avatar
Written by Rachel Palmer
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Bulletin is Company Messaging made easy! Select the exact employees or groups of employees you want to post a message to. Include photos and files with your post making it easy to share information. You have the option to have employees acknowledge that they saw the post. Add project tags or equipment tags to each post to help organize messages and make sure the right people see them. And finally, you can choose to allow employees to comment on your post.

With Bulletin you can add a bulletin post right from your computer or using your smartphone that will be seen by exactly who you want to see it!

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A position must have permission to Manage Bulletins in order to add, edit, or delete a post in Bulletin. Please see our Manage Bulletin Permissions article for more information.

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Add Bulletin Post (Web)

Step One: Get started

  1. From the left navigation menu select Bulletin.

Step Two: Create a new post

  1. Click on + Post in the left corner of the window

Step Three: Give a title (required)

Step Four: Compose a message (optional)

Step Five: Add attachments (optional)

  1. Click or drag photos or files to upload. Supported files include pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .rtf, .csv, .png, .jpg, .jpeg.

Step Six: Select recipients

By default, Recipients is set to Everyone. If you wish to select recipients by position or individually use the following steps:

  1. Click the drop-down box to select the desired recipients

    1. Limit by Position

      1. Use the drop-down menu to select Limit by Position

      2. Use the second drop-down menu to select the desired company position

    2. Limit to Individuals

      1. Use the drop-down menu to select Limit to Individuals

      2. Use the second drop-down menu to manually select individuals

        1. Choose recipients by Employee Group

          1. Click the + icon next to the Employee drop-down menu

          2. Click the All Employees drop-down menu

          3. Click on the desired employee group

        2. Choose Recipients by using Smart Filter

          1. Click the + icon next to the Employee drop-down menu

          2. Click on the triple line icon in the upper right corner

          3. Select the desired Smart Filter to find your desired recipients

      3. Click Submit

Step Seven: Add Tags (optional)

  1. Select the Project drop-down menu to choose the project you wish to tag in this post

  2. Select the Equipment drop-down menu to choose the equipment you wish to tag in this post

  3. Choose to enable Management Access (optional). Management Access will allow users with Project and/or Equipment Management permissions to view this post even if they’re not selected as a recipient

Step Eight: Choose to Allow or Disable Comments

By default, Comments are allowed. If you wish to turn off comments for your post, turn off the Allow Comments box.

Step Nine: Choose to Request Acknowledgement by clicking the box (optional)

Step Ten: Click Create to post your message on Bulletin

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Add Bulletin Post (Mobile)

Step One: Get started

  1. From the Employee Dashboard Tray tap on Bulletin. If Bulletin doesn’t appear tap on the 3-dot stack to access More.

Step Two: Create a new post

  • For Android: Tap on + icon in the bottom right corner

  • For iOS: Tap on the + icon at the top.

Step Three: Give a title (required)

Step Four: Compose a message (optional)

Step Five: Select recipients

By default, recipients is set to Everyone. If you wish to select recipients by position or individually use the following steps:

  1. Tap on Recipients

    1. Limit by Position

      1. Tap to select Limit by Position

      2. Tap on Position

      3. Tap on the desired position

    2. Limit to Individuals

      1. Tap to select Limit to Individuals

      2. Tap on Employees and manually select desired employees by tapping the box next to their name

        1. To choose recipients by Employee Group

          1. Tap All Employees at top

          2. Select the desired Employee Group

        2. To choose Recipients by using Smart Filter

          1. Tap the 3-line stack at the top of the screen

          2. Select the desired Smart Filter to find your desired recipients

          3. Tap Apply

      3. Tap Save (Android) or Done (iOS)

Step Six: Choose to allow or disable comments

By default, comments are allowed. If you wish to turn off comments for your post, turn off the Allow Comments box.

Step Seven: Add tags (optional)

  1. Tap on Project to select a project to tag

  2. Tap on Equipment to select the equipment to tag

  3. Enable Management Access (optional) by tapping on the toggle

    1. Management Access will allow users with Project and/or Equipment Management permissions to view this post even if they’re not selected as a recipient

Step Eight: Choose to request acknowledgement by tapping the toggle (optional)

Step Nine: Add attachments (optional)

  1. Click or drag photos or files to upload. Supported files include pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .rtf, .csv, .png, .jpg, .jpeg.

Step Ten: Tap Save (Android)/Done (iOS) to post your message on Bulletin

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Chat with us by clicking on the message icon in the bottom right corner!

Call us: 855-287-9287

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