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View Submitted Inspections
Payton Bearden avatar
Written by Payton Bearden
Updated over a week ago

Viewing submitted inspections on the busybusy web desktop allows managers to review completed safety checks, including scores, comments, and attached photos. They're also able to view this same information on the go from their mobile apps!

Inspections are great for keeping a record of all completed inspections for future reference, audits, or compliance purposes. You can also use the inspection details to identify areas of improvement or any follow-up actions needed.

Only users with permission to manage safety inspections can view submitted inspections; you can learn more about those permissions HERE.

View Submitted Inspections (Web)

  1. Access the Inspections Feature:

    • Navigate to the left-hand menu and click on Safety.

    • Select Inspections under the Safety heading.

  2. View Submitted Inspections:

    • Click on the Completed Inspections tab.

    • The main Completed screen will display the date the inspection was submitted, the score, project, checklist name, inspector, and who assigned the inspection.

    • To view details, click on the inspection row.

  3. Review Inspection Details:

    • Click on the inspection to see a detailed report, including answers to questions, notes, and photos.

    • Click on any included photos to enlarge them.

View Submitted Inspection Reports on the Web - Video

View Submitted Inspections (Mobile)

  1. Access the Inspections Feature:

    • Open the busybusy app on your mobile device.

    • Tap on Safety in the main menu.

    • Tap Inspections at the bottom of the screen.

  2. View Submitted Inspections:

    • Tap the Completed tab.

    • Select the inspection you wish to review by tapping on it.

  3. Review Inspection Details:

    • The inspection details, including scores, comments, and attached photos, will be displayed.

    • Tap on any included photos to enlarge them for a closer view.


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