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Schedule the Work Week in busybusy
Schedule the Work Week in busybusy
Christi Fabela avatar
Written by Christi Fabela
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The busybusy scheduling feature allows you to organize your workflow and ease the process of clocking in. You will have the ability to schedule work with assigned projects, cost codes, and equipment, as well as leave instructions for your employees.

This article will go over the ins and outs of using the busybusy scheduling feature. You will learn how to organize and communicate your projects with your employees.

You can always adjust your view of the calendar on the web to show by month, week, or day.

1. Go to the left navigation menu and select ‘Scheduling

2. Select ‘Calendar

3. On the top right of the screen, there will be three buttons marked ‘Month, Week, Day

4. Select the calendar view you would like to view your schedule in

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The busybusy scheduling feature can be managed by those with permissions within the position they hold that allows them to control schedules. To read more about Positions click here.

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You now have the ability to filter your schedule to show employees who are scheduled, or who aren't scheduled. Check out the video HERE to learn more!

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Schedule Work on the Web

  1. From the left main navigation menu select Scheduling

  2. Click on Schedule Work at the top left

  3. If you are scheduling for more than one day of work, check the box for multiple days

    • Click on the dates to select the start date and the end date

  4. Next, fill out a start time and end time

    • Employees’ clock-ins are not restricted by these times unless you have the Clock-In Restriction turned on within the Positions. To read more about Clock-In Restrictions click here.

  5. Choose the Employees you wish to schedule

    • Option 1: Select the dropdown and select the employee(s) you wish to Schedule

    • Option 2: Select the circle with a + sign. Choose All Employees or a specific group. Click on the box next to the employee's name and click Submit.

  6. To avoid scheduling employees to more than one project, make sure to check this box: Only Allow Employees That Are Not Scheduled.

  7. Select a color if you prefer to coordinate your Schedule

  8. Select the dropdown arrow and choose your Project

  9. Select the dropdown arrow and choose your Cost-Code (optional)

  10. Select the dropdown arrow and choose your piece of Equipment (optional)

  11. Click in the Instructions box to write a message

    • You also have the option to input a URL link here

  12. Check the box next to send a notification to alert assigned employees of the schedule update.

    • The messages are push notifications through busybusy

    • When an employee is first scheduled or if any changes are made to an employee's schedule, they will be notified with a message saying, “Your schedule has been updated for (Date)”

  13. Select Create

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If you choose to use the push notifications you will want to advise your employees to allow those notifications within their phone settings. Select Settings >> busybusy app >> Notifications >> Allow Notifications (these may differ depending on device).

Set schedules as recurring:

  1. From the left navigation menu select ‘Scheduling

  2. Select ‘Calendar

  3. Click on ‘Schedule Work’ on the top left of the screen

  4. Select the ‘Repeat’ checkbox on the top of the schedule screen

  5. Select the Frequency of the repeated scheduled item (weekly, monthly, yearly)

  6. Select the End of the repeated scheduled item (never or on date) if selecting an end date, please select the ‘on date’ and an additional calendar will appear to choose the end date of the scheduled item*

  7. Select the day/days of the repeated scheduled item

  8. Fill out additional schedule details:

    • Time

    • Employees

    • Project Details (if applicable)

    • Cost Code Details (if applicable)

    • Equipment Details (if applicable)

    • Add Instructions (if applicable)

  9. Select ‘Create

Copy and Paste Scheduled Items:

  1. From the left navigation menu select ‘Scheduling

  2. Select ‘Calendar

  3. Select the scheduled item you would like to copy to another date (keep in mind copying a scheduled item will copy all details: employees, time, projects, cost codes, equipment, instructions)

  4. Select the ‘copy’ icon on the scheduled item (see pic below)

  5. Select the new date you would like to copy the scheduled item to

  6. Press Save

  7. The copied items should now appear on the new date(s)!

Create time entries from scheduled items:

  1. From the left navigation menu select ‘Scheduling

  2. Select ‘Calendar

  3. Click on the scheduled item you want to convert to a time entry

  4. Select the time entry icon (see pic below)

  5. Review the time entry details

  6. Press ‘Create

  7. This will immediately create a time entry within the employee/employees time cards with the information that was in the scheduled item (date, time, project, cost code, equipment, description)

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Schedule Time Off on the Web

  1. Go to the left navigation menu and select ‘Scheduling

  2. Select ‘Calendar

  3. On the top left of the page select the drop-down button next to ‘Schedule Work

  1. Select ‘Schedule Time Off

  2. Fill out time off details (employee/employees, paid/not paid, date, type, description)

  3. Click ‘Create

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Schedule Drafts on the Web

  1. From the left navigation menu select ‘Scheduling

  2. Click on the ‘Calendar’ tab

  3. Click on ‘Schedule Work’ on the top left of the screen

  4. Fill out the schedule details:

    • Date

    • Time

    • Employees

    • Project Details (if applicable)

    • Cost Code Details (if applicable)

    • Equipment Details (if applicable)

    • Add Instructions (if applicable)

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select ‘Save As Draft

Publish Your Draft:

1. Go to your preferred calendar view (day, week, month)

2. Click on the scheduled ‘draft’ item (if it is a draft it will have ‘draft’ on the top like the pic below)

3. Select the upload button to publish the draft live (see pic below)

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Scheduling Breaks on the Web

  1. From the left navigation menu select Scheduling

  2. Click on the dropdown next to Schedule work and select Schedule Break at the top left

  3. If you are scheduling breaks for more than one day of work, check the box for multiple days

    • Click on the dates to select the start date and the end date

  4. Next, fill out a start time and end time for the break(s)

  5. Choose the Employees you wish to schedule

    • Option 1: Select the dropdown arrow or the circle with a + icon to select employee(s)

    • Option 2: Select the circle with a + sign. Choose All Employees or a specific group Click on the box next to the employee's name and click Submit

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You can restrict clock-in times for your employees. Click here to learn more.

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Schedule Work iOS & Android

To view your schedule click on the calendar icon labeled schedule, located at the bottom of your main dashboard. Here you will see your schedule for the day. You will also see there is a folder located on each item scheduled. This will guide you to the information on the project you are scheduled to work on. You will also see a cross arrow; if you click on this, the location of the project will appear.

To manage Schedules from the main Dashboard, select the three-line hamburger icon at the top left, then select Scheduling. Here you can see all the Employees' Schedules for that day. To change days, select the left or right arrows on the top. To filter to specific Employees, select the dropdown at the top center.

  1. Select the three-line hamburger icon at the top left. The left navigation menu will appear, select Scheduling

  2. Click on the + sign

  3. Select Type and click on Work

  4. Select Date and scroll through the month, day and year to select the correct date.

  5. If you are scheduling for more than one day of work, select the toggle next to Multiple Days

    • Click on the end date to select the correct date and click on done

  6. Choose a Start Time and End Time

    • The Employees are not restricted by these times unless you have the Clock-In Restriction turned on within the Positions. To learn more about setting this, click here

  7. Select the Project

    • Scroll down to select the correct project or click on the search icon, type in the project, and it will appear

    • If you select the dropdown in the top center, you will be able to select a project by Group

  8. Select the Cost-Code (optional)

    • Scroll down to select the cost code or click on the search icon, type in the cost code, and it will appear

  9. Select a piece of Equipment (optional)

    • Scroll down to select or click on the search icon, type in the name of the equipment, and it will appear

  10. Select the Employees you’d like to Schedule.

    • Click on the employee(s) name

    • Search for an Employee in the search area by clicking on the magnifying glass icon

    • Select all Employees by clicking on Select All

    • Filter by Group by clicking on the dropdown in the top center

  11. Click in the Instructions box to leave specific notes that are needed

  12. Turn on the Notify Employees toggle to send a notification to assigned employees to notify them of this schedule update or any changes that could be made to this schedule in the future. These notifications are push notifications through the busybusy

  13. Select Done or Save at the top right

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Certain positions may not have the ability to create or view others' schedules. To receive these permissions, you will need to reach out to an administrator or supervisor. To read more about positions, click here.

On an employee's schedule, they will see an icon of a folder, if selected they can view the project info. If an employee receives instructions when scheduled a message icon will appear on that day.

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Scheduling Breaks on iOS & Android

  1. Select the three-line hamburger icon at the top left. The left navigation menu will appear, select Scheduling

  2. Click on the + sign

  3. Select Type and click on Work Break

  4. Select Date and scroll through the month, day and year to select the correct date.

  5. If you are scheduling for more than one day, select the toggle next to Multiple Days

    • Select the Employees you’d like to Schedule

    • Click on the employee(s) name

    • Search for an Employee in the search area by clicking on the magnifying glass icon

    • Select all Employees by clicking on Select All

    • Filter by Group by clicking on the dropdown in the top center

  6. Choose a Start Time and End Time

  7. Turn on the Notify Employees toggle to send a notification to assigned employees to notify them of this schedule update or any changes that could be made to this schedule in the future. These notifications are push notifications through the busybusy app

  8. Turn on the Notify Employees toggle to send a push notification to the assigned employees

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You can also use the Schedule Crew in the Supervisor Tools click here to learn more.

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How To Make Changes to Scheduled Job From the Web

  1. On the left navigation menu, select Scheduling.

  2. To change views select <Month Week or Day

  3. Use the filter on the right to see specific schedules

  4. Click on the entry desired to change

  5. Select the pencil icon to make edits to the existing entry

  6. Select the paper icon to copy the entry

    • To copy an entry means to create a duplicate entry that you can assign to other employees and make adjustments

  7. Select the Trashcan to delete the entry

    • To delete multiple entries click and drag across the days and select delete

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You can click and drag a work schedule to another day. When you click and drag across multiple days several options will appear to have the ability to schedule work/breaks, delete all selected items in bulk, or copy/paste those work schedules.

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How To Make Changes to a Scheduled Job From the iOS and Android

  1. Select the three-line hamburger icon at the top left. The left navigation menu will appear, select Scheduling

  2. Click on the arrows to view other days

  3. Select the three dots at the top right of the entry

    1. Select Copy to create a duplicate entry

    2. Select Edit to make adjustments to the current work schedule

    3. Select Move to the Next Day to move the scheduled work to the following day

    4. Select Delete to remove from the schedule


Schedules can only be added and adjusted when you are online.

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